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Single unit:
The single units used to link two levels. It is suitable for buildings with passenger traffic flowing mainly in one direction. Flexible adjustment to traffic flow (e.g. up in the morning, down in the evening) is possible

Continuous arrangement (one-way traffic):
This arrangement is used mainly in the smaller department stores to link three sales levels. It requires more space than the interrupted arrangement

Interrupted arrangement (one-way traffic):
This arrangement is somewhat inconvenient for users, but advantageous for department store owners, since the short detour to the next unit and the spatial separation between up and down travel is ideal for leading customers past strategically placed advertising displays

Parallel, interrupted arrangement (two-way traffic):
This arrangement is used mainly in department stores and public transport buildings with a heavy traffic volume. When there are three or more escalators, it should be possible reserve the traveling direction according to the traffic flow. This arrangement is economical, since no inner lateral cladding are required

Crisscross, continuous arrangement (two-way traffic):
This arrangement is used mainly in major department stores, public building and public transport building where transport times between several levels should be kept to a minimum

Production Type
Safety Device
Function List
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